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I would like to clarify some of the misinformation circulating about Apple Orchard/Parkway & Stagecoach intersection.

Many of you may know that I live very close to this intersection and have been aware of the community concerns about its design since 2012 when we received a letter at our homes explaining the situation and potential options. While the intersection met the warrants for a traffic control signal and requests for a roundabout, funding for the changes was 10-15 years away.

During my first year in office, I worked with staff to find a solution so we wouldn’t have to wait over a decade for traffic safety changes. While speaking with staff, it was found that traffic was coming from drivers on Manotick Station, driving over to Stagecoach via Apple Orchard, to use the traffic signals on Stagecoach to safely enter Mitch Owens Drive.

Seeing the cause of the issue, I was able to push to have staff action a solution by re-aligning Apple Orchard to meet with Parkway at the same point on Stagecoach within my first two years as Councillor, securing money for safety and to relieve traffic on Apple Orchard by constructing the traffic signal lights at Manotick Station and Mitch Owens in 2017. Throughout this process in 2015 and 2016, the GCA and residents were consulted and supported the plans to use a 2 way stop. I was also informed by staff that with growth to the community, the two-way stop control would need to eventually be converted to an all-way stop control.

Since the realignment, my office and I have received safety concerns at the intersection and were asked to find a solution or “fix it”. In accordance with my mandate to provide community safety, I brought these resident concerns to traffic staff asking them to review the intersection and how well it was performing.

They found that by adding the much-needed traffic signals at Manotick Station Road, the warrants for traffic signals came down from 100% to 89% due to a reduction in traffic volume at the intersection. We also relieved traffic crossing Gough Road to Dozois Road going up to Mitch Owens Road, as well as traffic cutting through the Emerald Links subdivision. The traffic study, which was completed this year, also indicated that the intersection now met the warrants for a multi-way stop.

Now that the City is aware that the location meets warrants for a multi-way stop and it has funding to install the stop signs within it’s existing budget, staff must move forward with the installation of the multi-way stop, which does not require public consultation.  Failure to install the multi-way stop is a very serious safety concern, and it is staff’s position that there is a higher likelihood of a serious collision occurring if the current 2-way stop remains in place versus implementing the multi-way stop control.  Therefore, knowing that warrants are met and not doing anything will reduce safety, leaving status quo is not an option that staff can support. I do support staff decision in this matter as I believe safety should be prioritized and I cannot go against staff’s decision.

I hope moving forward everyone will continue to abide by our Provincial Highway Traffic Act and if you see anyone driving unsafely at anytime, report this with Ottawa Police Services online or by phone.

If you have any safety concerns for the community, please feel free to email me at any time at